This dress is for my little niece in Australia. She (and especially her "mum") look so much like Josefina, so we sent her the doll for her birthday a few months ago. She loves her new doll! She's been asking for some clothes for her, so I'm going to try to send a few dresses for Christmas. It's summer there- feels weird to do a summery little dress in December! This is the first one, crafted from a 99 cent yard of fabric from the hole.
I got a yard of blue material just like it, but probably will use the blue for something feels like nice pillowcase material. They had a yard of yellow, too, and I'm kicking myself for not picking it up. For a buck? Are you kidding me? Sometimes I'm too tight for my own good.
I'm pretty happy with the way this turned out. Being sleeveless with a lined bodice, I was able to hide all the seams inside. No raw edges anywhere!
I have this ribbon- over 3 yards of it- and am trying to decide if they go together. Would it make a cute trim on an apron?
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