Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving, Eunice

This cross stitch is a house-warming gift for Eunice, my parents' new cottage in the mountains of North Carolina. 12 years ago they bought and restored a farm house called Iline's Place. Every house they have purchased since then has been christened with a cute old-fashioned ladies' name. We'll get to meet Eunice for the first time this Thanksgiving.

Here's a different shot that shows the words to the Psalm a bit better. Photography is not my strong suit!

The house and trees are borrowed from antique samplers, the lettering for "EUNICE" is from an old magazine. The rest is my own design. I could design lettering on graph paper ALL DAY. So much fun! (I'm a cross stitch geek, what can you say?)

The Salvation Army is usually the place to get a great frame, but this time they let us down. The only really lovely frame in a usable size was marked $19.99! And it needed some work and a coat of paint. This frame was half off at Joann's, and with the 15% off teacher discount card, was scored for less than $14 total. The thin wooden trim between the mat and the stitchery really sets it off nicely.

1 comment:

  1. It looks so good! I really like the wooden trim on the mat - Mom is going to love it!
