Monday, March 29, 2010

Menu for Week of March 29

I really liked having this last week, so here goes week two- I feel so Martha!

Monday: Steak, Sweet Potato Fries, Green Beans
Tuesday (Passover): Matzoh Ball Soup, Hard-boiled eggs, Charoset
Wednesday: AWANA Pizza Party (kids)
Thursday: Pizza @ Dress Rehearsal, take salad or fruit
Friday: Garden Burgers, Oven Fries, Salad
Saturday: Thai from Siam Spicy, potato soup for the kids
Sunday (Easter): CrockPot roast & rice, green beans, rolls

1 comment:

  1. Do you buy sweet potato fries or do you make your own. If you make them, do you just cut them & bake, or is there more to it? I've seen them sold in the freezer section, but wondered if it would be better to make them on my own. Today at the church potluck someone made a sweet potato casserole and is wasn't sweet - it was great! I guess I'm used to s.p.c. being so sweet that I don't like it much. The one today rocked! Now I'm in the mood for more. :0)
